


RIVA was born at the beginning of the 50s thanks to the entrepreneurial vision of Emilio Riva. With his brother Adriano, he understands the prospects for the development of the steel industry in a post-war Italy, which needs to be rebuilt. This impetuous growth will go down in history as the ‘Economic Miracle’.
As well as supporting the Italian economic recovery, RIVA courageously develops abroad with the acquisition of important production companies in the main European Countries (Germany, France, Belgium and Spain). It thus becomes over a few decades the second steel group in the Old Continent.
In January 1976, the Riva Group entered the French Market at the invitation of the Compagnie Française des Ferrailles (CFF). This company, associated with Belgian capital, managed a small steel plant in the Paris region: Iton Seine, whose own facilities had then to be transformed.
For a long time the Parisian company has been specialized in the production of rounds for reinforced concrete of first quality, for which it had obtained the first French Certification: the label CRELOI. The Riva group becomes the major partner of Iton Seine and thus enables its rapid development.


In 1988, after a privatization, the Riva group acquires the majority of the capital of the Society ALPA, Aciéries et Laminoirs de Paris, which owned a factory in Gargenville, not far from the other French facility in Iton Seine and produced the same types of product.
In 2000, the Group acquires several factories by the Group ASW that is located in Europe (formerly owned by Usinor- Sacilor)

  • In France: the steel factories of SAM Neuves Maison, SAM Montereau for the production of steel wire in reels and three ACOR transformation factories for the production of welded mesh
  • In Germany: (Ludwig), Italy (ILRO) and in Belgium (TFE) some transformation factories for the production of welded mesh.

The group RIVA dominates naturally thanks to its high production standards and its constant policy of growth and investments, which earned it the position in the world steel market today.
It places man at the heart of its activity and focuses on excellence of the expertise of an historic and family industry.


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