The Riva Group gives particular importance to the valuing of the employees, which the Company considers as a major resource for its constant development.
The Riva Group encourages its employees in their professional development through the many training courses required for the different professions. The Group offers several diploma-training courses, thus enabling the employees to validate their skills and officially recognize them.
The Riva Group also encourages internal and continuing training in order to reach a maximum safety in the workplace, while improving the professional and personal skills of the employees.
As it is very involved in learning and professionalization, the Group also offers many work- study opportunities, thus encouraging future generations to turn to an historic industry towards the future.
There are several professions within the Riva Group; they belong to both a technical industry field and the so –called tertiary field.
In order to achieve a better understanding of the Riva Group’s professions, all its employees have the word to tell about their mission through the articles named ‘The voice of the professions’, where they give you a precise and precious vision of their daily lives.